Hughes Lawyers Prevail in High-Stakes Police Pursuit Case

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In a recent case, Hughes Lawyers played a vital role in a complex case involving a police pursuit that spanned state lines. Representing a major insurance carrier that covers the City of East St. Louis and the East St. Louis Police Department, Hughes Lawyers demonstrated their expertise in navigating the intricacies of law surrounding police

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So-Called ‘Nuclear Settlements’ a Major Concern in Trucking

Posted by HLL Admin

In the world of trucking, discussions about nuclear verdicts often take the spotlight. These jaw-dropping jury awards, often exceeding $10 million, send shockwaves through the industry. However, as litigation expert Steve Wood recently highlighted, it’s not just the verdicts that should raise concern; nuclear settlements have shown to be a real risk for trucking companies.

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Enhancing Safety, Limiting Liability, and Mitigating Nuclear Verdict Risks in Trucking

Posted by HLL Admin

In the fast-paced world of trucking, safety is paramount. As technology continues to advance, the trucking industry has seen significant improvements in its ability to ensure the safety of both drivers and the general public.  One such advancement is the next generation of integrated video camera systems, exemplified by Isaac Instruments’ InView system. These systems

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